
Wednesday 1 April 2020

4 ideas with the new i-crafter Doily die

Good morning! Today the April i-crafter release is available and we are hopping to celebrate! (Hop details below).

There are lots of new goodies, and I focused on the beautiful new Doily die as well as the Carly alphabet.

Here, I used 3 of the doily dies to create a little sun-catcher. I cut them (the Spellbinders Tool-n-One is invaluable for getting all the little bits out easily!) and then blended ink through them. By doing it this way, I was able to blend the ink onto a white card panel, and make this card as well:

And a word about the Carly Alphabet - it is a huge set of dies that includes both upper and lower case letters as well as punctuation. It's in a fun whimsical font and it's easy to work with, especially if you put BeCreative tape on the back of the cardstock before you die cut your letters.

My next card uses a fun technique I learned from watching Amber's video on the Save the Crafty YouTuber hop. I embossed the doily onto a piece of white cardstock by running it through my die cutting machine with the rubber embossing mat. I used Copic markers to colour it and then laid another die cut (from Memory Box glitter cardstock) over top. This gives the look of inlaid die cuts.

My final card also uses an embossed doily, this time as the focal point. I added some jewels for colour and sparkle and popped it up over another doily cut out from black cardstock.

Here's a video:




  1. I love this doily die! Just so elegant!

  2. These are gorgeous Ardyth! I really need to try that faux inlaid technique! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. I really love the doily die and especially the sun catcher. Will have to try. TFS from New Mexico

  4. What a fabulous use of the die Ardyth - love all the different techniques you have shared - thank you
    Stay safe

  5. Ooh the sun catcher is a creative ide on the die :) Beautiful inspirations! Thank you :)

  6. Thank you for sharing the process video for these lovely projects, love your inspiration.

  7. Love your creations with this beautiful Doily design! Such pretty detail!


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