
Monday 5 April 2021

Altenew Whimsical Wonder Stamps/Dies/Stencils/Embossing Folders Collection Release Blog Hop + Giveaway


Good morning! I'm excited to be part of a blog hop for Altenew's new Whimsical Wonder release, available now! 

This card was made using the new Meadow Bush Layering stencils set. And watercolours!

Here's a quick look at my process:

Tips for success:

1) don't have too much water in your brush, or the paint will seep too far under the stencil. A little bit is ok, and it will give you a soft, hand painted look.

2) move quickly from one layer to the next for a soft look while the previous layer is still damp. Let each layer dry completely for a crisper look.

3) double up on the layers (photos 3 and 4) - you can get a more detailed look by painting one colour through the entire hole, and then taking a deeper or different shade and adding it through the same stencil, but with smaller areas

4) adding splatter will distract from any 'flaws'. This process gives lovely soft results, but when I looked too closely, I could see areas I didn't love. I added grey and gold splatter to give the eye more to look at!


$300 in total prizes! To celebrate this release, Altenew is giving away a $100 gift certificate to 1 lucky winner and a $25 gift certificate to 8 winners! Please leave a comment on the Altenew Card Blog and/or each designer’s blog post on the blog hop list below by 04/11/2021 for a chance to win. 

Altenew will draw 9 random winners from the comments left on each stop of this blog hop and announce the winners on the Altenew Winners Page on 04/13/2021.

Altenew Card Blog

Nicole Watt

Jaycee Gaspar

Norine Borys


Emily Midgett

Verity Biddlecombe

Nathalie DeSousa

Amanda Baldwin

Laurie Willison

Terri Koszler

Amber Rain Davis

Dana Joy

Kymona Tracey

Svitlana Shayevich

Michelle Short

Maryam Perez

Simon Hurley

Tania Ahmed

Zinia Redo

Therese Calvird

Virginia Lu

Tenia Nelson

Lilith Eeckels

Reiko Tsuchida

Ardyth Percy-Robb   <<you are here

Carol Hintermeier

Jenny Colacicco

Joylita Dsouza

Keren Baker

Sandhya Iyer


Teresa Litchfield

Tricia Schaden

Yoonsun Hur


  1. Love the watercolor look (beautiful color selection) and thanks for the great tips!

  2. Ardyth, you card is beautiful. I love the watercolor look. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration.

  3. I have never tried watercoloring with Stencil. Might try my hands at it.

  4. I love Altenew's layering stencils but have never tried them with watercolors! Thanks for the inspiration

  5. Gorgeous card. I love the artsy look.

  6. I love layering stencils! Have never tried to watercolor with them!

  7. I love the soft coloring and splatters!

  8. Your card on IG brought me over to your blog. This is a beautiful look for the stencil. thanks for your tips too.

  9. Beautiful work Ardyth - love that you admitted that their are parts you are not happy with on this - it gives me hope :)
    Stay safe

  10. Lovey cards Adryth... the water coloring looks amazing! Thank you for the inspiration!

  11. Love, love, love this oh so pretty card! And the way you colored it is perfection!

  12. I love the watercolor look you achieved with this technique and the card is beautiful!

  13. Beautiful "miss you" card! Loving this new Altenew release!

  14. I like the colors you chose for the different layers. Very pretty

  15. Such a cute card with window.

  16. Beautiful card. This stencil is my favorite from the release. I'm off to go watch your video.

  17. Gorgeous card!! This new coloring stencil looks amazing.

  18. Lovely colors on your Meadow flowers. I really enjoy the pink and orange/peach combination.

  19. Can't wait to try the layering stencils! Pretty design and colors!

  20. Lovely! So soft, and yes, whimsical.

  21. gorgeous card Ardyth. Love the pretty soft colours

  22. sweet card - thanks for sharing how you. made it

  23. Great watercoloring! Love these new floral stamps!

  24. Lovely, thanks for sharing this technique, it's not one I've ever used for adding colour to a stencil!

  25. I actually never thought of using watercolor with the stencils. Lol. It’s all so obvious now, how great this method is! Thank you for your inspiration and gorgeous irks of art

  26. Wow!!! Gorgeous card and fantastic technique! Thanks for giving a great detailed breakdown and tips!

  27. Gorgeous! I enjoyed seeing this technique which is new to me. You card is lovely!!! Thank you.

  28. I like the idea for the frame and cutout of the sentiment.

  29. Gorgeous card. Such a creative way to watercolor through the stencil. Thanks for all the tips.

  30. wow, I love your watercolor look!


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