Wednesday 15 April 2020

Craftroom Storage Tips

I've got a new video up today - it's a collaboration with Justine and we're sharing some of our best craftroom organization and storage tips!


  1. Love your tips and your videos! Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the tips. Would love a link for the bin that you store your completed cards in. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great tips Ardyth! I am definitely going to go back to my ink swatches and add the corresponding Copic color...great idea. Since my mojo has been gone for a few months... I spent the time unmounting close to 2000 wood stamps and remounting the rubber on cling. The elimination of the woodblocks created an amazing amount of room in my craft room. However, sorting them into those that I want to keep vs. donate has been so hard! I should probably have just severed ties with the wood stamps... but there are a lot of memories in them. Thanks so much for sharing your tips.

  4. Great video with lots of ideas. I, too, would love to know about the plastic bins for finished cards. I only found ones that are 5 inches tall.


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