
Sunday 9 November 2014

Fusion, CASology 120 (Sea), Happy Birthday Michele!

I'm a day late posting my birthday card for Michele, but trust me, it's worth the wait. I was lucky enough to be able to put this in her hand yesterday when I met Michele at Tracey's house!

I couldn't stay long due to other commitments, but what an amazing (short!) time we had!

Here's a selfie we took with my phone. Michele then used her proper camera to take much better photos of me with Michele and me with Tracey (no tripod, so no photo of all 3 of us!). Once she gets home, I'm sure she'll email them to me.

I was inspired by this photo from the current Fusion challenge

and also by the colours of the Sea (CASology - deadline is Monday!). I used a Penny Black flower die and a Clearly Besotted sentiment. I added the centre of the flower by cutting a circle in pale yellow, sponging it and then coating it in glossy accents.


  1. Oh I LOVE this ! The white bloom looks fabulous against the background color!
    Less is just so much more!

  2. Well your card for Michele is even better is real life. Fun times with Michele yesterday, so glad you could make it! Love this card.

  3. Gorgeous, Ardyth. I love those background colours, my favourites. And that flower looks stunning in white with the little yellow centre x

  4. How sweet of you making a birthday card for Michele! Love to see you three in the photo. Wish I could meet you some day! Hugs! May

  5. How fun that you got to meet, Ardyth. Craft friends are the best. I love this sweet card and how you used the sea cue.

  6. Oh how fun! Your smiles say it all! Gorgeous card for Michele! Thanks so much for playing with us at Fusion!

  7. Great design! And good to see that the BG is in colour; something different, but equally beautiful! Enjoy your sunday, Gerrina

  8. What a fun and beautiful card this is Ardyth! I love that daisy die, so pretty-I'm a sucker for flowers anyway. lol Love the soft blue background color. How fun you ladies got together even if it was only for a little while. Looks like you all where having a great time together! I love the selfie of the three of you! Hugs, Brenda

  9. So simple but packs a punch. I am going to have to do this challenge now as I am obsessed with this color right now!!!

  10. What a fun selfie, Ardyth!! You three look like you had a really fun time - just look at those smiles! And your card for Michele is gorgeous. LOVE those colors. and such a sweet daisy too. Perfect birthday card. I'm guessing she loved it! Have a great week dear friend. Bev

  11. Such great smiles, Ardyth ... looks as though you had a fun and fabulous time! I adore these aqua colours ... the crisp daisy over the top is just so sweet ... bet Michele loved it! Anita :)

  12. You lucky, lucky girl....getting to meet more crating buddies in real life - so exciting!

    Awesome card! I LOVE the contrast of the white and the varying shades of blue. Nice shading and shine on the flower center!

  13. Love, love, love, love... crazy love for these two crazy girls! Thank you so much for gorgeous card... even more for sharing your precious time with me!
    =] Michele

  14. Such a fun photo and you are having such a great time meeting blogging friends! I adore how you have layered the colours like the cake x

  15. This is so sweet! Love the way you used the color!

  16. Love this colour theme Ardyth and the beautiful crisp white daisy...❤️ To have delivered in person to Michele and be able to spend time with her and special!

  17. Gorgeous those beautiful soft shades of blue. And that selfie is just too cute, you all look so happy! I love the gray sweater, it is your color.

  18. Ardyth, love your ombre, and cute picture of you guys!!! Oh if we lived only closer!! Thanks for joining FUSION, this is lovely!!! Makes me want to get inky!

  19. Oh my goodness, this is so "Ardyth"! It's crazy how often I see one of your cards on a challenge blog and know instantly that it's yours before looking at the name.

  20. Ardyth, this card is so beautiful! Lucky Michele on being the recipient! And lucky all of you to spend some time together!

  21. What a delicious CAS design Ardyth! and how fun to meet up with stamping friends!

  22. Fabulous CAS card Ardyth - and so much fun catching up with crafting blogging buddies IRL! So glad you joined in the fun @ FUSION :)

  23. Oh, I adore your very clean, crisp and perfect!
    awesome pic of the 3 of you!!!

  24. Such a classic "Ardyth card"! Clean, crisp and everything you want it to be. Thanks for sharing the photo of the three of you ... how fun to meet up! Always an honor to have you in the Fusion Challenge : )


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