
Sunday 13 April 2014

CTS72 - Thanks so much

Another one for this week's CAS(E) This Sketch challenge.

This time, I used my PTI Circle Cover Plate die both to cut the circles and then to place them (I used the negative 'lattice' that was left over and just popped the circles inside for a perfect line-up! This is my smallest little 'thanks' and I'm afraid I lost track of who made it. The 'so much' is a Stampin' Up sentiment from Trendy Trees.

Yesterday was Scrapfest in Kitchener. Tracey McNeely and I drove there and met Virginia Lu to spend some time chatting and looking around to see what was what!

Tracey and I wandered into a booth where they were featuring CAS-ual Stamps and doing make-and-takes. We couldn't resist announcing that we are Girl Fridays and the reaction from the instructor was AMAZING! She was so thrilled to see us there and just couldn't say enough about the great products and the great support they had received from Michelle! At the next booth, I ran into Nicky, who taught me one of the first classes I ever took in cardmaking, way back in 2006 - I was so happy to see her and was then both humbled and honoured to hear that she's following my blog! Wow! What a spectacular day! (the only disappointment was narrowly missing meeting my online friend and OLS teammate, Karen - something to look forward to next year!)


  1. Like your design for this challenge! Great thank you card. So glad you had a great time at Scrapfest. Nice pic. :)

  2. What a wonderful photo of you three, so sweet and I'll bet you all have such a wonderful time together. Your card is just so fun, a fabulous way to say thanks!

  3. What a super design! And it reads like you had a super day! Enjoy your sunday, Gerrina

  4. Love this fun, clean design Ardyth! awesome to have a day out with Tracey and Virginia!

  5. Awesome card, Ardyth! How awesome to have a day out with Tracey and Virginia! Great picture of the three of you!

  6. Sounds as though that was an awesome day, Ardyth ... picture certainly looks like it! Cool, crisp card ... fabulous! Anita :)

  7. I am yet to come across a card of yours I don't like! I absolutely love and admire your style. Thank you SO much Ardyth for being such a source of inspiration, and also for your constructive comments.

  8. LOVE your card, Ardyth. You always have such a well thought-out plans and designs. This card is no exception! It was a FABULOUS time, wasn't it? I am so glad that you girls came and hung out with me...although I did some more shopping after parting with you and Tracey( My bad!) :)

  9. Such fun ... craft cruising with friends!
    And another crisp classy CAS card.

  10. Love this bright and happy thank you card, Ardyth! Great colors and love the circles! It sounds like you had a great time with Tracey and Virginia at the Scrapfest. Those moments pass all too quickly, don't they?! Just love this card; can't stop looking at it. Have a great week. Bev

  11. Your take on the sketch is so clever. The multiple thanks really pop. It's so cool that you got together with your crafting buddies. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Great photo and a great card too! I went to a scrap expo on Friday and also ran into a DT member I used to work with! LOL It's great fun, as you picture shows ;)

  13. Oh, you lucky, lucky pretty ladies! Isn't it great being able to connect?

    I can just imagine how excited the instructor must have been when she found out that she had not one, but TWO Girl Fridays paying her a visit!!!

    Fabulous card - love the colors and LOVE your amazing, perfectly stamped words!!!

  14. Great picture of the three of you. Sounds like a lot of fun. Love the card.

  15. Love this, Ardyth - so sharp as always! Love the photo too - looks like a great day :)

  16. So great that you guys were able to get together for some crafty fun!


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