
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Muse#9 - Best Buds

Tuesday was my clear day this week. NOTHING to do but make cards. I had a whole list of them to make, including some future CASology and CAS(E) This Sketch  Design Team cards, so that I could get ahead (in case I actually get selected for Jury duty next week, but that's another story).

And then I got on the phone with my sister. (I should say, one of my sisters - I have 3). I really only had a quick question, but we ended up chatting for quite a while. If you're lucky like I am, your sisters really are your best buds. And maybe that was on my mind when I made this card (the only card I made on Tuesday) for this week's Muse challenge, based on this card from  Marion Vagg:

I focused on the different-sized stripes of cool colours, the flowers and the friend theme, using this Hambo Stamps sentiment.

You'll have noticed that the flower is hanging off the edge. That's ok - most of my cards are 4.25 x 4.25 so that they can fit in a standard 4.25 x 5.5 envelope (and avoid the additional postage required for square items) - as long as this card goes into the envelope the correct way, there will be no problem.


  1. Love this card, Ardyth! I love the way it reverses Marion's inspiration card. Gorgeous!

  2. What a happy card, Ardy, and a sensational CASE of Marion's fun card! I just love that flower popping right off the card!!

    I've enjoyed a terrific scroll stroll down through all the posts I've missed and you'll pardon me for not commenting on each. Suffice to say that you never cease to amaze me with your creativity!! (And happy belated birthday to your daughter!)

  3. Love that stripey flower with the blingy centre. Hope the jury selection goes the way you want it to (I did it for 3 weeks many years ago, & those benches are hard!). Jenny

  4. Brilliant and fabulous card.

  5. SUPER card, love the colours.

    I did my jury years more years ago than I care to remember - ENJOY (or perhaps I mean ENDURE!)


  6. I love this color combo and the flower is amazing.

  7. This is awesome Ardyth, love it!

  8. Always happy to provide a distraction! Lovely card!

  9. This is too cute! I love your striped flower, so big and bright and makes for the sweetest card for a dear friend.

  10. Love the summery flower.... you can hardly see the joins in the paper!! Great sentiment too :0)
    Jenny x

  11. You're so lucky! I'm an only child : ( But fortunately we have a lot of cousins that we still keep in touch with. Love your bloom on this one. It looks great with that collection of different sized gems in the middle!

  12. So this card has just rocketed its way to the top of "My Favorite Ardyth Cards" list. Un-flippin-believable girl! The colors are so fresh & summery (ah, green grass instead of snow!).

    The rhinestones in the centre - KAPOW effective! awe of you

  13. Sisters do make the best buds, don't they?! What a fun card. Happy and full of wonderful color. You've really done justice to the MUSE card. Love how you've interpreted Marion's card--you've given it that Ardyth touch! Bev

  14. That's a brilliant sentiment, to go with a brilliant card! Love your take on Marion's card.

  15. Wow, what fabulous work. Love it :)

  16. Love the cool colours of the hanging-off-the-edge-happy-flower-with-the- brilliant-bling (phew, that was breathtaking ... rather like your splendid card! Oh, and the sentiment is just so lovely! Anita :)

  17. Love this - the bold flower and the sentiment!

  18. Beautiful card Ardyth, I love that flower is those fun colours popping right off the page!

  19. I love the big bright flower. I too am scheduled for jury duty April 3.

  20. Love your CAS approach on this! Totally gorgeous!

  21. Love this color blocked flower--and the glittery center.

  22. This is such a sweet card! I love, love, love your flower and the sentiment is darling...I think your sisters are very lucky to have you...I know we are!

  23. I love the spring colors you used and the jeweled center!

  24. Oh my goodness--a creative masterpiece! Wonderful card!

  25. What a cheerful and cute card, really fun take on the Muse card! I love your flower and the gems in the center of it.

  26. Love that flower! Wonderful take on the MUSE card!

  27. LOVE the giant striped flower with the bling in the middle. So pretty! :)


  28. A favorite in the gallery this week!

  29. Love this Ardyth...the die cut stripy flower is so striking against the white and I love the sentiment

  30. LOVE it! Your interpretation of the sketch is refreshing and I adore the striped flower w/rhinestones. :)

  31. Hi Ardyth, Oh I love your Best Buds card. So cute! Thanks for your comment on my blog too. Yes I have three sisters too and aren't they the best! Hugs, Bev

  32. absolutly stunning! I love it!

  33. Love the bright bold flower and the sentiment on your card - so fresh and happy!

  34. This is a really fun card, love the pun!

  35. Awesome take on the challenge and I love the different sized gems in the centre!

  36. A dynamic flower that "jumps" off the card! So effective - well done!

  37. Congrats on the MUSE HM, Ardy!

    (It must have been a super close vote; can't believe this didn't make the Top Three!)


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