
Tuesday 21 August 2012

CASology 7 - Green!

This week's CASology Cue Card is Green - and the possibilities are endless - money, eco, St Patrick's Day, Kermit, Yoda - it just goes on and on.

My first thought was grass. Although ours has been crunchy and brown for most of the summer, I dream of a lush green lawn that feels so wonderful on your bare feet. I just don't dream of the water bills that come along with that lush lawn! lol!

I used a Martha Stewart punch and Whisper White cardstock for the grass. I coloured the grass with upward strokes of different colours of green copics and then rounded the edges. I found this tee (Michael's OLD, OLD stamp) and the ball and sentiment (unknown). I embossed the ball with white embossing powder to get the dimply texture and popped it up on dimensionals. Then it came time to mount the white panel onto the card. Green seemed to be the obvious solution but I knew I would never match my grass to a solid green cardstock, so I created a grassy border using the copic markers just on the edges of the white card base (I didn't worry about being too messy, because I adhered the white layer on top - I suppose I could have masked it and saved a layer, but the potential for disaster was too high!). My daughter assures me that it looks nothing like grass, but I'm happy with it anyway!

Now, grasshoppers (another green thing!), it's your turn to go green!

Here are links to the blogs of the other Design Team members - go see what they've come up with to inspire you!


  1. Okay Ardyth, you win! I love your take on golfing and that custom Copic green paper is awesome!

  2. Hi Ardyth, thanks for your comment and the chance to join you all this week. Funnily enough a putting green came to my mind but yours is much more wonderfully CAS than my idea would have been.

    Aileen x

  3. Now this is a GREAT green card, love the play on words too with the golf "green"!!

  4. Ha, brilliant take on the theme! I like how you've done the base card to avoid the colour-matching problem.

    Green grass we do. But you wouldn't want to walk on it barefoot, it's always wet!

  5. This is perfect. Love the bright green and white - so fresh and clean.

  6. you always have the best out of the box cards, ardyth! this one is fantastic!!

  7. Ardyth, this is TEE-rific, for sure! I bet you had a BALL making this card! (Sorry, couldn't resist!) I love the clean white card with splashes of green...just perfect!

  8. Such a fun and adorable card, Ardyth.
    I know what you mean about the potential for disaster...been there...and had a disaster a few times. LOL
    I could share some green grass with you. Ours has had plenty of rain lately and is very thick.
    Love your card!!

  9. Brilliant. I love the texture on the ball, and the grassy border really pulls the whole thing together.

  10. Sweet grass....not the smokin' kind! Don't you just love it when the wee dear daughters are so frank and honest? Personally, I think that everything is perfect! Clever idea on the base card too :)

  11. wow, what a great idea! I love it!

  12. I think it looks just like grass! ;) I really like this card and I know many people who would love it too! :)

  13. Love this golf card! So clean and crisp! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. I'm with win! You're so incredibly creative. Everything about this card is clever, but the border is beyond clever to a word not yet invented.

    How you can make so few elements look so intriguing is just a matter of your special brand of genius.


  15. Ardyth, thanks for your kind comments on my card and I love your golf card. AWESOME! Hugs, Bev

  16. This is fantastic, Ardyth! I'm going to CASE it for my SIL's birthday. It's perfect!


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