
Tuesday 20 March 2012

OLW 83 - A child's Birthday gifts

Poor Jennifer at stylesink - she's one of the hosts of the OLW challenge and last week her family was ill, so the challenge wasn't posted until the weekend. The inspiration for this week is the whole lot of items that her son gave her for her birthday - a hotwheels Mercedes, a blue block (her favourite colour), a hand made fan and lots of notes, with rainbows and lots of hearts on them.

This made me smile - I get presents like this all the time from my daughter - especially the notes. She seems to never get tired of writing "I love you mom" and I certainly never get tired of reading these little notes!

I chose to focus on the love notes and the rainbow elements and came up with this very simple, but, I think, effective card, which I will give to my daughter:

Enough said.

Edited to add: Apparently not enough said. I missed the part of the challenge that said the card should be a BIRTHDAY card. Well, I'm going to stand by this one - you can tell someone you love them on their birthday, right? LOL! Remember way back in school when the teachers kept telling you "Read the instructions!"? Yep, it's been that kind of day!

Stamps: Crayon Alpha Lower (Stampin' Up!)
Paper: Gina K Pure Luxury 120 lb
Ink: Cherry Cobbler, Perfect Plum, Pacific Point, Tempting Turquoise, Lucky Limeade, Marigold Morning, Only Orange, Poppy Parade


  1. Oh, this is very touching. The simplicity, sentiment, your intended recipient- all so sweet. Your cards are truly MY one layer inspiration!

  2. I just read your comment on my blog. I think you're fine (LOVE your card BTW), because why couldn't your card inspiration (if not the actual card) be used as a birthday card? I don't know if you saw my blog before I took off the underline under birthday. It was more for me than anyone else (because I didn't see that at first either!) so I took it off so no one would think it was meant for them. Anyway, I'm about twenty years older than you and I not only type strange words now, I definitely miss key elements when reading, especially with these challenges. I just have to reread them several times and I never used to have to do that. Sigh. (Sorry the ramble!)


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