Wednesday 27 February 2019

CASology 333 - Bounce

I'm doing something I haven't done in a while - I'm playing along with the current CASology challenge, Bounce!

(Imagine how these meds are all going to bounce when they hit the floor!)

Plus, I'm having some fun colouring some of the small images from the EBE Leading Ladies: Medical Lady, as well as creating dimension with shadows. AND using different tones of gray to create a bit of a textured background. All while remaining Clean and Simple! LOL!

First - colouring the pills. I used highlights and shadows to create 'dimension' and 'shine' on each pill. This creates dimension.

Second - I used two Toner Gray markers to create shadows on the left and bottom edges of each pill. This creates shadows and makes the pills look like they are sitting on the card.

Third - I used three Toner Gray markers to create some ombre dots that are darker in the top and bottom corners and then fade out to nothing in the centre, closer to the pills. This subtle treatment adds a bit of interest, without drawing attention away from the focal images.

I used:


  1. Love these fun tumbling pills. And, your wonderful coloring and shading makes the entire scene look so realistic. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology. So fun to see you here.

  2. So lovely to have you join us Ardyth ... with you signature stunning CAS design. Wonderful idea for the cue word. Thanks for joining in the fun as CASology this week.


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