
Tuesday 6 December 2016

AJVD Poinsettias

Today, I'm teaching a class at my neighbour's Seniors' Christmas party (see below for the class card). I couldn't bear to throw out the off-cuts and made this week's main card from the scrap. Head over to A Jillian Vance Design for more details!


  1. Waste not want not, two wonderful cards Ardyth

  2. I'm sure that every card maker in the world has a bucket full of bits and pieces that we just can't toss! Definitely pays to hoard these tidbits...especially when a card like you've crafted up is the end result :)

    I bet the seniors had a blast and were proud as ever with the cards you helped them make!

  3. These are both lovely Ardyth! Great use of your scraps!


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