
Friday 21 October 2016

MCV67 - Merry Christmas

This week's Muse: ChristmasVisions inspiration comes from Cornelia:

Sometimes, a challenge becomes a real Challenge, doesn't it? This one did for me!

I love Cornelia's geometric, artistic style, but that dark green is really not a colour I love. I don't really do deer. So I was stumped. For a long time!

When this happens, I try to break down the card into its components - colours, shapes, feelings. I look at products I have that may help to create a similar feeling, even if everything is not exactly the same. I minimize or ignore the elements that are not my favourites (or I can't get to work!). Usually I can end up with something that feels like 'me' and I'm happy with it.

I decided to focus on Cornelia's
-triangles and geometry
-white space

I minimized the green and made the brown of the deer into my card base (no deer were harmed in the making of this card! lol!)

I used:
-Simon Says Stamp Lined Tree die
-Simon Says Stamp Merry Christmas die
-MFT stars die

I can't wait to see how you've all interpreted this one - I always am impressed by your creativity!


  1. Your interpretation is just awesome. The tree sparkles and really catches the eye. Love the gorgeous sentiment!

  2. First, your card interpretation is spot-on. Second, thank you for sharing your process ... you've stated it very clearly.

  3. Pretty, your blingy tree! You forgot the deer ;)

  4. Your card is a close CASE of Cornelia's compared to my in-progress one. ;) What a great way to translate her geometric tree into your own style!

  5. The way you break down a design amazes me, Ardyth. I need to practice that when I get stumped.

  6. How gorgeous! Love the glitter all over the tree, Ardyth!

  7. Wonderfully cool and graphic, Ardyth ... with such delicious shimmer! A fantastic take on Cornelia's card ... loved hearing about how it evolved! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  8. What a wonderful glittery tree, love you take on Cornelia's card, fabulous card

  9. I agree, it was a challenge for me this week too.
    Love how clean and crisp your tree is, even with all that gorgeous glitter.


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