
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Just Dandy-inspired Daisies

The other day, Melissa (Just Dandy Studio) made a fun, colourful panel for #thedailymarker30day colouring challenge. Sometimes, I see something I like so much, I just want to make it exactly the same. I think that's ok. Of course it's nice to give credit to the person who inspired you. And of course, it wasn't EXACTLY the same, since I don't have the same stamps. 

But then I just kept going until I ended up with these 6 cards. (can you tell that both my kids are away at camp?) The Waffleflower A Bunch daisies are so much fun that I couldn't stop! I made two panels each of colourful daisies, white daisies on a white background and masked daisies in a field of green.

And then, as I was assembling cards, I got so excited that I made a major error - I forgot to put any sequins in my white daisy shaker.

As you can see, I tried to fix it by using my (best ever 'fixing' tool!) old Cricut spatula - it has a thin metal edge that can often slide between layers and separate them without damage. I thought I could slide the sequins in through the gap, but the spatula was sticky (and sequins stick even when there's really nothing to stick to, don't they? lol!) So I ended up taking the white panel and acetate off the top, filling the hole with sequins and then adhering a new piece of acetate and a white panel on top.

Here are close ups of each card:

Mama Elphant Script Birthday die, SU! Jewellery Tag punch, Avery Elle Sentimental wishes

Clearly Besotted Say it in Style sentiment

MFT Stamps Delicious Birthday sentiment

WPlus9 That is All sentiment

Technique Tuesday Watt's Up sentiments


  1. I LOVE every single card in this post!

  2. Fabulous set of cards, Ardyth. It must be nice to be able to keep going when the inspiration hits you.

  3. Miss Ardyth, I just love these. They make me happy to see them. All the delicious detail and the perfect colors are delightful. Can't pick a favorite as they're all sweet, but if you wanted me to pick at least two, I'd say the grassy daisies and the CB bright flowers. Or maybe the shakers. Or the sparklies. These are fantastic, and I can see I'm going shopping again, lol!! Stay cool my friend; it's pretty darn warm out there. Bev

  4. A gorgeous set of bright, happy cards!

  5. Ohh gorgeous - love your mass production of daisies!! These cards are gorgeous.

  6. Oh, my, Ardyth, what a GREAT selection of cards!!!!! I have to pick up my jaw from the ground!!!! These are all simply stunning and I'm not even going to try to pick a fave as I love, love, LOVE all of them!!! What a feast for the eye!!!! WOW!!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  7. Wow these are fab love the last ones they are just stunning!x

  8. Wow these are fab love the last ones they are just stunning!x

  9. Playful, adorable, love these Ardyth!!

  10. These just make me so happy, Ardyth. I love daisies and these are so cute, colored or not. I'm glad you were so inspired to keep going and going and going. ;)

  11. Bwaha! I'm pretty sure I've done that trying to make a shaker card. In fact, I think that's why I generally avoid them! loving all of these but especially the first (that tiny tag is so cute!) and third.

  12. You truly are the 'Duracell Bunny' of our card making world! Would likely have taken me the enitre week at the Lakehouse to create these pretties!

  13. Ha, too funny! I have the exact same fixing tool. My husband bought it for me for Christmas many years ago. I said, "Honey, that's very thoughtful of you, but I don't have a Cricut." He said, "It's a fixer!" Sure is. Can't believe he thought of that on his own and went to Michael's and bought it. He's a keeper!


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