
Wednesday 2 July 2014

Happy Birthday Darnell!

Today's Darnell's birthday!

And we're having a party to celebrate! Bev has brought all the goodies and you can link up below if you want to play along - I'll leave the link open until July 16.

This card was Pinterest-inspired (here). I used my brand new Papertrey happy die and an unknown birthday stamp.

I created the rainbow circle directly on the card base with distress inks. I then cut a circle out of my white 4x4 panel and then a slightly bigger one, so that the rainbow shows through as a frame.

Darnell was one of my first non-family followers, and for that (and for all the encouragement she gave me back then - and continues to give) she will always have a special place in my heart! And I know that many of you have similar stories. She's a talented card maker AND blog writer - who hasn't laughed out loud when reading her posts! PLUS she's devoted to her family and follows so many of our blogs and leaves thoughtful comments ALL. THE. TIME. She is really one of the main reasons that our little piece of blogland is so happy and supportive!

Happy Birthday, my very dear friend! I hope you have a wonderful day, an amazing year and many, many more!

Join us by linking up your card below!


  1. Ardyth, a gorgeous card for Darnell. Love the way the sentiment crosses over the circle. I have no doubt she'll love it!

  2. Love the rainbow circle, Ardyth! I think you've nailed what we all love about Darnell :)

  3. I agree... whole heartedly!
    You made a gorgeous card for our friend... she will love it!
    Thanks for hosting the party!

  4. Me too, Ardyth ... such perfect words for the lovely Darnell ... and what a simply splendid card ... so you ... she'll love it! Thanks for being one of the party planners extraordinaire! Anita :)

  5. Well said, Ardyth. Love your card. Thanks for having the linky party.

  6. Thanks for having this party for Darnell! I know she's going to love it!
    I love your rainbow circle and the way you positioned the sentiment is fantastic! Definitely a happy card!!! :)

  7. Cool card! Thanks for letting me know about Darnell's birthday.

  8. This card is so fabulous Ardyth! I love it!

  9. A perfectly 'happy' birthday card for our sweet chum! She is going to be tickled to see this one, Ardyth! Thank you so much for hosting the linky party. You're so's wonderful to see all of these lovely cards all in one place. I can't wait till she feasts her eyes on this!!! Woohoo!!! Bev

  10. Beautiful card, Darnell will love it! Thanks for Mr. Linky!

  11. Love the rainbow circle and ur beautiful words for Darnell ! Thank you for the linky party :)

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Ardyth thanks so much for this link. As you know, I am new to the blogging world, and quickly fell in love with Darnell's great sense of humor and loving heart. Love your card =] Michele

  14. Beautiful card Ardyth, I know Darnell will love it!! She is such a special person and always has a kind and inspiring word for everyone, I so love her funny stories too. I hope to link a card-so better get on that! Hugs, Brenda

  15. Gorgeous card for Darnell , Ardyth ! I love everything you said about her. You two go way back. I don't know how she finds the time to alway leave such thoughtful comments ,but she does! Thanks for the link page.

  16. Ardyth thank you for the linky party for our favorite girl. Your birthday card is another special Ardyth design.

  17. Gorgeous card for Darnell Ardyth, fun and funky!

  18. Awww what a sweet idea for Darnell, sure she will love it too.I Love your card too Ardyth, bright and cheerful just like our very own Darnell :) Viv xx

  19. I backed dated a card - I wanted to play but I forgot to take a photo of the card I sent her! :( -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY you awesome Lady you!

  20. Thanks for hosting the linky party, Ardyth. Your card is wonderfully graphic as usual.

  21. You spoil me, you know, Ardy! First an anniversary hop that I still hold in my heart as one of the seven wonders of my world and now this! Thank you so, so much, along with Bevie, for making me feel loved and special and HAPPY!!

    Your card is so you! The design is exquisite ~ happy enclosed in a rainbow circle! SO happy, in fact, that it is busting outside the rainbow circle!! That's me. That's how I feel at this very moment! What an amazing feeling to wake up too!!

    Thank you for your sweet words, too. I feel the same way about you. We started nearly the same time and you've always been there supporting me, too, from the beginning and we'll always have that bond!!

    Mwah! Love you, Darnell

  22. P.S. to the party attendees if they read this. I'm off to spend the day in San Francisco for lunch and a play, so I won't be able to visit and thank you all until this evening or tomorrow! I look forward to coming home and getting back to my outstanding virtual PARTY and this wonderful outpouring of love!! You guys are the BEST!! Mwah! Darnell

  23. Beautiful card! and such a sweet gesture! What a wonderful place blogland is!!

    Happy Birthday Darnell : )


  24. Just linked up my card!! Thanks for putting this together for sweet Darnell. She always makes me laugh and smile! Ummm your card, hello rainbow graphic know the way to my heart:)

  25. Your pretty card is perfect for Darnell, and I think it's great that you all thought of doing this! Thanks for letting me be a small part of this birthday party - now let's all go celebrate!

  26. Your card is lovely, and it's so nice of you to do this for Darnell!
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to join in the party.

  27. I love your card Ardyth. Thanks for this virtual BD party for Darnell!

  28. What a fun and fabulous card. It reminds me of a 45 record for some reason. Very retro and cool. Thanks for hosting the linky, too.

  29. Super CAS card and love the rainbow circle. x

  30. Thanks for hosting this fabulous linky party for our sweet Darnell! She is obviously 'pickled tink' with the festivities!

    Great card - fun colors, fun design, fun fonts!

    Fun, Fun, Fun - the perfect way to celebrate Darnell!

  31. How wonderful for you and Bev to get this in the works for our sweet Darnell!! Your happy card is fabulous, love the rainbow of colors peeking through!!

  32. Ardyth, your card is Darnell-perfect, and I know she loves it immensely, as do I! I'm feeling such a cad of late, with 'hectic' being my standard mode of operation. I'm behind in everything, so my apologies for not commenting as often as I want to! Indeed, how remiss that I didn't realize today was Darnell's birthday until I saw your post!! Naughty me!! I scurried home from work and have a card; now hoping that the clouds don't roll in before I can take a photo! Anyway, again, your thoughtfulness and warm-heartedness in doing this for Darnell: pure awesome!!

  33. Great party Ardyth - your card is another example of CAS perfection :)

  34. Fantastic card for Darnell...I know she will love it and the fabulous party too.

  35. Great card Ardyth and such a fan idea to have a party for Darnell.

    Hugs, Di xx

  36. What a sweet thing this is!!! My hat is off to you for celebrating a fellow blogger!!! I thank you for the chance to participate!!

  37. Awesome card and hop for a wonderful lady! Hoping to link up a card for sweet Darnell!

  38. Fantastic card and a great idea for a fab supportive lady.:)

  39. Ardyth, thanks for hosting the card party for our very special Darnell. Love the rainbow circle card you've celebrated her day with...those sunny colors and a rainbow are just perfect symbols of Darnell's personality. She's such a blessing to all of us! TFS & Hugs.

  40. Well done with the gorgeous graphic card, Ardyth! What a GREAT way to host a birthday party for the beloved Darnell! FABULOUS!

  41. I sent my Lovely Lilacs card to Darnell and put it up here. Not sure how to use Mr. Linky so took the card from my desktop,& linked back to here. It's also on my blog if anyone wants to see it. Oh well, senior, senior moments abound at my house. Darnell knows! LOL

  42. Gorgeous card Ardyth and thankyou for having a great card party for our lovely friend Darnell - Hugs xx

  43. Just a little bit late... so sorry Darnell. And a big thank you to Ardyth for making this possible.

  44. Thank you for doing this!
    What a lovely crafting and stamping community we have.
    So many beautiful cards in one place and so much inspiration too Karen x

  45. Ardyth, it's so wonderful of you to do this for Darnell...thank you!
    I love your card...the rainbow circle is simply awesome!

  46. Great idea, thanks! Darnell is going to love all the beautiful cards. This is why I love craft blogland..we are a friendly bunch. Cx

  47. Hi Ardyth, woah!! What a lovely idea, I love your pretty card and what a lovely idea for Darnell!! Thank you so much :D Gay x

  48. Hi Ardyth, Brilliant idea, sorry I'm late :( Wonderful to be able to let Darnell know how much she is loved, thank you! I love your card, pretty I'm sure Darnell loved it too :D Gay xx


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