
Tuesday 22 April 2014

CASology 92 - Garden!

This week's CASology Cue Card is Garden!

I'm not much of a gardener myself, but I do love to see all the beautiful spring flowers! This ultra-CAS card uses some of those tiny little 'extra' stamps that come in sets - you know the ones. They're not the reason you bought the set and you've probably never used them, right?  They were never meant to be the focal point of the card, but why not? This tiny garden is from an old Inky Antics set and the thank you is from Stampin' Up's Sweetie Pie-Frames set. Put them together with a little bit of colour and you have a perfectly pretty and CAS thank you card!

Now it's your turn - what's growing in your garden? Here are links to the DT members' blogs - check them out for more inspiration!


  1. I love that tiny stamp, Ardyth! I have several similar stamps which you have inspired me to use. And thanks so much for your kind comment about my card at OLS.

  2. Ardyth, you make such a good many of those tiuny stamps do we have in larger sets that remain untouched? (And why? They are cute, after all!) I love how you illustrated that you can use them...maybe pair a few make your focal image...this is such a sweet card!

  3. This is sweetness personified! Amazing as always!

  4. This card is precious and you as always use a zap of color.

  5. CAS perfection Ardyth.

  6. You are a queen of CAS, Ardyth! Thanks to you, now I am looking at the tiny stamps in the sets in a whole new way! May

  7. So pretty, so sweet and so happy making, Ardyth ... and so ultra CAS! Anita :)

  8. It's amazing how such a small image with a little color can pack so much 'Punch' never cease to amaze me with your talent, Ardyth!

  9. Such a sweet card, Ardyth! Love the tiny focal point and bitty sentiment. This proves the hypothesis that sometimes Less is More! Great card. Love this!! Bev

  10. As little as they are, those flowers really pop on the card.

  11. Yay for a fellow non-gardener. This is such a sweet card, and what a great idea to use those little stamps.

  12. I confess that I harbor a lot of guilt about neglecting these little stamps. I really have to give them a good inking! Might have to CASE this super cute little card!

  13. This is the sweetest garden :) love it

  14. Well, I think your tiny garden is perfect! How sweet and simple this is!!! :)

  15. Dear Ardyth I love your idea using the tiny stamp..and I do it too on my card for the CASology challenge...I love your simplicity of this cute little garden and the sweet sentiment too..sweet cute card and I love love love it...hugs, Monika

  16. This has to be the cutest garden ever. Thanks to you, those tiny little stamps in my craft box have been put to use. :)

  17. Never would have thought that a stamped scene so small would have such great impact. Great card Ardyth! Gotta go check out my little "extra" stamps now.....


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