
Tuesday 4 March 2014

CASology 85 - Carnival!

This week's CASology Cue Card is CARNIVAL!

And it's no coincidence that today is Mardi Gras! To make this fun but CAS card, I started with lots of white. Added a little black (both unknown stamps) and then tiny dots of Copic colour to add some fun and movement!

Now it's your turn! The DT has come up with lots of different ideas for this fun cue card - I hope you'll join us!


  1. Wow!! So crisp, clean and perfect. I really admire your CAS style Ardyth :)

  2. You totally nailed this super difficult challenge. Love this image and your confetti is the perfect finishing touch!

  3. Ardyth where do you get all these fantastic stamps? Brilliant, love the tiny Copic dots!

  4. Seriously inspired card. Can't get any more Carnivalesque(I think I just made this word up)than this, and incredibly it totally oozes your signature style.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love the mask. Gorgeous design

  7. What a fabulous carnival image, Ardyth ... love all the coloured confetti! Anita :)

  8. Love how bright the dots are! Lovely! :)

  9. Your card is fabulous Ardyth! Perfect take on carnival! By the way, the sentiment looks like a long nose to me for some reason. lol!!! Great balance! May

  10. Yes, totally carnival! Fabulous!

  11. Such a FUN card! Love the 'pops' of color! :)

  12. So perfect! I love that you made your own confetti!

  13. Since we didn't get to go to Alabama this winter, I almost forgot about Mardi Gras. Wonderful image.

  14. That mask image is awesome and I love that you left it uncolored. Having the colour come from the confetti makes it pop all the more. :)

  15. How perfect is this--that it is actually Mardi Gras today. What a fabulous card, and I love the little dots of color and the jaunty angle of your mask.

  16. What a fun stamp to have in your collection - the copic dots are perfect!

  17. That mask is great! The dots of color are quite festive and fun.

  18. Perfectly fun, clean & simple...and another awesome stamp! The wee flecks of confetti are the perfect touch!

    We were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras a few years back...quite the party and quite overwhelming for a small town girl like me!

  19. Thank God you are on the Design Team, Ardy, or the rest of us would never have a chance at winning! This ROCKS!! Hugs, Darnell

  20. (So true, Darnell!) There it is, the classif black and white with a wonderful splash of primary colors...LOVE it, Ardyth! Perfect for Mardi Gras and CARNIAL!

  21. A perfect image for this challenge! Love how simple it is...but boy does it pack a punch!

  22. So fun...makes me want to head to New Orleans for Mardi Gras next year and I would wear a mask just like the one you made, so fun!

  23. Great card Ardyth, you make it all seem so simple with your smashing designs, love 'em :D x

  24. Love that mask and the bright fun colours


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