
Monday 24 February 2014

Girl Friday!

The day is finally here! I can tell you the secret I've been struggling to keep for a while now! I'm one of the 2014 Girl Fridays!

There's lots of change going on with this popular challenge, including more time to play, more prizes and more recognition! There's more details here.

All week, we new members of the DT will be introducing ourselves and on Friday, our new challenge will start! 

As a fun way to get to know us, Michelle has asked us to answer some questions about ourselves:

1. How long have you been a cardmaker, and how were you first introduced to it?

I went to a Stampin' Up party in January 2006, hosted by my cousin. I ordered the Bold Brights (you're not surprised, are you?) collection of inks and some stamps sets and never looked back. I've been blogging since January 2012 and still enjoy it as much as ever!

2. What color are your toenails painted right now? 

Although I have pedicures all year long, I only paint my toes in April - November (when people might see them). In the winter, I wear socks and let my toenails breathe! I'm dying for some sock-free weather and colourful toes right about now! I always pick a close-to-clear neutral for my hands, but often go pretty wild with my toes. I love OPI polish almost solely for the entertainment value of the great names they have. 

3. If your family locked up your crafty supplies for an entire month, what would you do instead? 

Walk more, volunteer more, play piano more, read more, probably bake more. Not drive my kids around more, because that just isn't possible!

4. Favorite thing to order at Starbucks: 

I never go to Starbucks (is that bad?). I never developed a taste for coffee and I only eat home baking (see above)! I finally kicked my 20+ year 4-cans-a-day Diet Coke habit about two years ago and pretty much drink only water now.

5. You've reached your destination but just as you are turning your car off, a song comes on the radio and you are sooo happy to hear it that you sit in your car until it's over (singing along is optional *wink*). Name that song: 

Right now, I'm loving the soundtrack from "Music and Lyrics", but longer term, it would be any song by Bowie, especially Never Get Old! And singing along is definitely NOT optional! I always sing along,much to my kids' embarrassment!

Don't forget to leave a comment here - one lucky comment will be randomly selected for a prize!


  1. Congrats Ardyth. Looking forward to see more of your work at CAS-ual friday now :)

  2. I love your clean and simple look and I am trying to get there. It's harder then it looks.

  3. Congrats! I don't drink Starbucks either and I think that's a good thing - I'd rather spend that money on crafting supplies! :) Love your previous cards!

  4. Congrats, you will make a fab Girl Friday and what a great selection of questions!! I admire you for not going to Starbucks!! But does the odd glass of wine sneak in amongst all that water??

  5. Absolutely thrilled to bits for you! You are, to my mind, the Queen of CAS - so this is made for you! I'm with you on the Bowie music! And spring just can't get here soon enough! Congratulations xx

  6. Love all the bright coulors on your cards and your clean and simple look.It is really an inspiration! congrats on being a 2014 Girl Fridays!

  7. Congrats and welcome, is fantastic have you

  8. so nice getting to know you and looking forward to the new CAS-ual fridays!

  9. What an fun and interesting interview! Congratulations!!

  10. Congrats!! I with you on the toes!! I'm ready for sandal weather!!

  11. Very fun interview! Loved learning a bit more about you. I am not a Starbucks fan either. ;) Congratulations, I can't wait to see you rock CAS-ual Fridays stamps! ♥

  12. Congrats! Am looking forward to seeing your work and all the inspiration you will provide as part of the DT!!

  13. Love the CAS look of Casual Friday girls! Congrats on being a team member!

  14. Congrats on being a Casual Friday girl! I can't wait to see what you create! :)

  15. Break out the streamers and confetti, the marching bands and floats! Huge congrats my dear friend on being part of CFC DT!!!!! So very thrilled for you. Such a perfect fit. Doing a little happy dance for you today! Big (virtual) hugs! Bev

  16. More great answers - well done on kicking your 4 a day "habit"!!!! Congratulations on your CAS-ual Friday DT slot too - look forward to seeing you "in action"!


  17. Ardyth, this is sooooo exciting! Congratulations! You always inspire me with your creations. Cannot wait for the CAS-ual Fridays challenge :) and oh yes water is way better for us :)

  18. If my supplies were locked away, I would bake more, then eat it all!

  19. A HUGE congratulations Ardyth!
    Looking forward to be inspired by you.
    Well deserved!

  20. Congratulations! Looking forward to se your creations!

  21. Congrats and looking forward to seeing more

  22. Welcome! Can't wait to see your cards

  23. Hooray!!!! Way to go, Ardyth!

  24. Stampin' Up was my downfall too. LOL! Congrats on the new team- fabulous one to join!

  25. Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful creativity!!!!

  26. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing all your CASual Friday creations!

    Can't wait to see your DT projects.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,

  28. Congrats on the CAS DT. Look forward to seeing your creations.

  29. Congratulations! And cheers for kicking the soda and drinking just water!

  30. Congratulations Ardyth, Love your cards. And fun reading your answers.

  31. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! It was fun to learn a bit more about you!

  32. I have always loved your CAS style and you are an inspiration.

  33. Congrats. Looking forward to seeing your cards.

  34. Congratulations Ardyth! It was fun knowing about you! :)

  35. Will be great seeing your fab cards, love your CAS style, I can always pick out your cards, love them!
    Louise xx

  36. Love your cards Ardyth and so looking forward to more inspiration from you at CAS-ual Fridays. Well done and love the fun answers. x

  37. How exciting! Can't wait to see more from you here at CASual Friday!

  38. Congrats to you!! Can't wait to see all your creations!

  39. Congratulations on your new venture Ardyth. I first saw your work on CASology and am a big fan of you since then. Would love to see your amazing work on CASual fridays too. It was fun to know about you. :)

  40. Ardyth, this is beyond exciting news! What treats we're in store for with you as a Girl Friday! More dazzles and delights...can't wait!

  41. Big congrats Ardyth! can't wait to see the new challenges the Friday team has for us!

  42. I do love me some Bowie!! Absolutely thrilled to have you here with me at CAS-ual Fridays!!

  43. Congratulations, looking forward to more of you clean cards.

  44. Concratulations!!!!! I'm soooooo happy for you! Looking forward to seeing more amazing creations from you as Fridays girl! May

  45. What an honor. Congratulations!

  46. I've Pinned lots of your creations. I love your style, and OPI polish names, too. Came to your site today to find the Red and White Shaker card and found oh, so much more. So many pretty things. Thanks for all of your inspirations.

  47. WooHoo! Congrats! So happy for you!

  48. Wow, just heard the news, Ardyth ... woo-hoo ... HUGE congratulations ... how exciting and amazing ... for you and all of us! Looking forward to seeing more of your amazing inspiration at CFC! Anita :)

  49. Congrats! Look forward to seeing your cards.

  50. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your answers. It's fun to get to know you a little.

  51. Congrats, Ardyth, on joining the CAS-ual FRiday Challenge Design Team. Enjoyed reading the answers to those questions. Oh, it would be a good thing for me to give up the Diet Coke and just drink water! Thanks for sharing your creativity...lovely cards!

  52. So fun! Can't wait to see what you bring to the team :)

  53. Congratulations I am excited to see your inspiration with CAS-ual Friday!

  54. It was fun reading the answers to your questions. Congratulations on your DT at CAS-ual Fridays! Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome CAS projects! I already follow you by email and really enjoy your style!

  55. Congratulations! I'm excited for you :)

  56. Congrats Ardyth ... YAY ... we get to see more of your wonderful inspiration!

  57. Huge congrats, Ardyth! Loved your answers - fully expected to see Bowie mentioned in that last question!

  58. Wowza HUGE news!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!

  59. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing your CAS-ual Fridays DT cards!

  60. Congratulations Ardyth! You deserve it! Your style is CAS and always stunning!

  61. Congratulations!! I'm really looking forward to your new designs, have even subscribed to your blog after looking at your other cards, they are stunning!

  62. Congrats! Looking forward to see more of your creations.

  63. Glad to see you're on the team!

  64. I have been loving CAS cards these days so your style is so appealing! And I don't go to Starbucks either because I like to sip my coffee at home in my bathrobe!

  65. It seems like a lot of us were introduced to stamping through Stampin Up and then just got hooked! Looking forward to being inspired by you!!

  66. Congratulations on joining the design team! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

  67. Well glory be. I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see your CF designs. I'm with you on the water, although I do have a cup of green tea for breakfast.

  68. I've been a follower of you for about a year now. Your work is wonderful, so it doesn't surprise me at all with you becoming a Cas-ual girl. Congratulations.

  69. Congrats Ardyth, not surprised in the least as you have such a wonderful talent. Look forward to seeing more.

  70. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing more CAS inspiration! :)

  71. Congratulations on your CAS DT! I look forward to your designs!!! You will be a real inspiration again.
    Loved your answers.

  72. Can't wait to see your projects!

  73. Congrats on being chosen for the team! Your name MASK is so creative!

  74. Congratulations, Ardyth. You will do an awesome job, and I look forward to being inspired by you.

  75. I think it is great to get to know you a little bit better with these fun questions!

  76. How exciting to be on the team for such a wonderful company! Love the fun Q&A!

  77. Congrats! Can't wait for the fun to start!

  78. Woohoo! So happy for you Ardyth!

  79. Congratulations for being on the team!I am looking forward to seeing your style♥

  80. Congrats on the DT! Love your work and am always amazed!

  81. Can't wait to see your CAS designs.

  82. Can't wait to see your CAS designs.

  83. Congratulations, can't wait to be inspired!

  84. CONGRATULATIONS, Ardy!! I'm so happy for you!! Hugs, Darnell

  85. Looking forward to your cards,

  86. Congrats!!! I've been taking a peek at your blog and your cards are fantastic.

  87. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see your fabulous cards.

  88. Congrats. I can't wait to get to know your style.

  89. Congratulations on being a Girl Friday!!!! I admire your style, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. :D

  90. Yay, yay, YAY!!! SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED to have you on the CAS-ual Fridays team, Ardyth!! Can I tell you how many times I've looked at a stamp set and thought, "What Would Ardyth Do?" Now, of course, my card doesn't often turn out like one of your CAS masterpieces. But, I always wonder since you have such a distinct style. Hooray for no more wondering!!

    PS. Way to go on kicking the pop habit! My husband did recently too (having all your teeth rot away is just no fun, it seems). He was not blessed with strong enamel to begin with, so the pop ate away at his teeth.

  91. Congratulations! I know you'll do a great job.

  92. Great cards I already follow you

  93. Congrats!!! So excited for you...

  94. Congratulations, Ardyth! It will be good to see your cards here, too! =)

  95. Congratulations Ardyth - looking forward to your CASual Friday creations!

  96. Huge congrats Ardyth!!! You are perfect for this DT - and I am looking forward to the new challenges!!

  97. Congrats. Looking fw to see more.

  98. Congrats Ardyth! I am so excited for you. I am a big fan of your beautiful cards and look forward to seeing lots more inspiration from you on one of my fav challenge blogs!

  99. Congratulations on your DT spot at Casual Fridays. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!

  100. Congrats on joining the team Ardyth... you'll be a very welcome addition :0)
    Jenny x

  101. A BIG congrats to you Ardyth, it's a perfect match!

  102. Congrats! Looking forward to see more of your Work :)

  103. Congratulations. I enjoyed your answers. I guess you and I are the only two people who do not go to Starbucks. Looking forward to your postings.

  104. How exciting for you. By the way, have you seen this new Stampendous stamp I saw it and thought of you!

  105. Congrats on your DT place. It's great to get to know you and I look forward to seeing your crafting on CAS-ual Fridays x

  106. What a great decision they made by choosing you to be on the design team, Ardyth! I love your clean and simple style.

  107. congratulations -fabbie news can't wait for Cas -fridays now

  108. Congratulations Ardyth ! I am so excited for you and looking forward to seeing more of your creations. I loved learning more about you and love your song choice!

    Have a great week!

  109. Huge congrats Ardyth...the stamps are so perfect for your bold, bright style. Looking forward to being inspired some more by you!

  110. YAY for you and the rest of us - can't wait to see your creations!! Congrats!

  111. great getting to know you and looking forward to the new CAS-ual fridays!
    CU there hellerlittle

  112. Yay, Ardyth! Always fun to see your work and glad for you on your Casual Fridays gig.

  113. Congratulations! Love your answers. Looking forward to seeing your creations!

  114. CONGRATS DEAR FRIEND!!! This is a huge honor! CAS-ual Fridays DT's are one of the best in the country....and now you are one of those gals!!! Michelle sure knows how to pick 'em!

  115. Sorry that I am late to the party....CONGRATS on getting on the DT, Ardyth. You are ideal for this! SO happy to see you on the DT list! Way to go!

  116. Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing more cards from you.

  117. Congrats and looking forward to seeing your projects.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  118. Congrats! I had to laugh about your kids being embarrassed about your singing. My DD is 9, and just this year she has stopped telling me how much she loves my singing. Now, she critiques me instead, and sometimes it stings just a little bit, even though what she says is true! :)

  119. Congrats and I am looking forward to your beautiful projects. Luv, Wilma

  120. So nice to meet you. Looking forward to all you have to share.

  121. A big congrats and it's nice to know more about you!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  122. Congratulations Ardyth! Well deserved spot in a great team. xx

  123. Congratulations!
    I love your cards and come here often to have a look around, pick up some inspiration and relax.

    Thank you!

  124. Congrats, Ardyth!!! SO very cool! :)

  125. Super duper, I'm a coffee addict here don't have star bucks though near me anyhow we'll done on becoming a girl Friday enjoy x

  126. Congratulations Ardyth on becoming a girl friday - I am so pleased and excited for you and they are so lucky to have you! hugs xx

  127. congrats on being a Girl Friday and I enjoyed your answers to the questions.

  128. Congrats Ardyth! Looking forward to see more of your awesome creations.

  129. Congrats on being a 2014 Girl Friday! I kicked my Diet Coke habit over a year ago, too. I also started stamping from a Stampin' Up party back in 2001. Can't wait to see your designs. :D

  130. I'm a bold brights kind of girl myself. :) Congrats!

  131. Congrats Ardyth - I never go to Starbucks either....I hate their coffee....looking forward seeing your creative cards on this blog!

  132. Congrats on being on the DT! I can't wait to see all the inspiration!

  133. Congrats! Happy to see you on the DT!

  134. Congratulations! Much deserved DT gig, love your CAS designs.

  135. Congratulations!! Although, as the Queen of CAS it would've been a crime for you not to be a Girl Friday!!! ;)

    And you're absolutely right, singing is not optional! :)

  136. Congratulations! They knew what they were doing when they chose you to be on the DT. Looking forward to your creations.

  137. Good for you - what an asset to CFC. Have a blast!

  138. Thanks for volunteering your time as a Design Team Member for this awesome challenge blog! Looking forward to the new changes.
    :) Marie

  139. So fun to read about you...good for you for kicking your Diet Coke habit! That's the equivalent of me giving up coffee and at least right now, that's not going to happen :)

    Looking forward to being on the team with you!

  140. So HAPPY for you Ardyth! This is totally deserved! Woohoo!

  141. Congrats Ardyth, haven't said hello in awhile! Happy for you!

  142. Congrats! Looking forward to your projects!

  143. How exciting! I started my crafty obsession going to a Stampin up party too! Congrats!

  144. Exciting news. Congrats on being a Girl Friday. Looking forward wot your projects.

  145. Congrats - and I loved reading your answers.

  146. Congratulations Ardyth :) I am so so happy n excited to see u as a girl Friday :) ur unique style makes u a perfect choice. Will looks forward to see ur creations

  147. Congratulations, Ardyth! Good to see you as Girl Friday. I'm sure your CAS creations will be very inspiring.

  148. This is awesome! Such a fun way to get to know you guys a bit more! And I have such a great visual of you bopping' down the road singing your heart out and waggling your hot pink toes!!

  149. Congrats Ardyth! Can't wait to see what awesome stuff you create with this team. Music and Lyrics - LOVE that movie!

  150. Congrats on joining this design team - You are the queen of CAS.


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