
Saturday 4 January 2014

CFC125 - Celebrate!

A quick card for this week's CASual Friday challenge.

A lot of people choose a word to focus on instead of a new year's resolution. I haven't really thought about it, but there are probably a number of words that would be good for me. One would be "present" - meaning to really be present in each moment, rather than thinking about all the things that are coming in the next moment (I'm a planner), or multi-tasking so much that everything gets almost-done, rather than focusing on one thing at a time (I'm a mother).

Another would be "kind". As in not just be kind to people who are kind to me (easy), but to be kind to people who are not being kind to me rather than reacting 'in kind' and also to be kind even in my mind (not so easy!).

And I do think that "celebrate" is a good one. As my friend Darnell says, LITS (or Life is Too Short), so we need to celebrate and enjoy what's happening as much as we can.

So, there you go. Philosophy according to Ardyth. ;-)

I used a new MFT stamp (love the bold font, especially in black and white) and Simon Says Stamps "Lots of Dots" and Stickles.

ETA (Jan 19):  Woohoo!


  1. Lovely philosophy. Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place if everyone followed it?! In essence this says to me: "Celebrate goodness" - great idea. Love the large font, and the splash of happy color bubbles and the stickles sparkles. Happy Saturday! Bev

  2. Your card is just lovely--very festive and still CAS. And, I think your words are so very true and wise.

  3. I like your word and the thoughts behind it. It's a good word for me also. The colored dots and the Stickles nicely highlight the bold font.

  4. A word to live by, Ardyth ... what a great choice and a wise philosophy! Love the boldness with the smidge of vibrant colour and sparkle! Anita :)

  5. I agree!!! Lovely because it us so true LITS!

  6. Fabulous card, and fabulous words, Ardyth!

  7. Love your card! So fun and it really looks like a party is happening too, so fun.

  8. Hear, hear, my dear! You know I thoroughly endorse your choice of word and your runner-up words, too! The world would be a better place if we lived according to your philosophy, Ardy! Happy Celebrations All Year Long!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. P.S. I forgot to say I love your happy colorful bubbles and sparkle!!

  10. WONDERFUL card Ardyth! Great words too....

  11. I think you're right...we are all guilty of wanting rather than celebrating what we have; planning for the future and not concentrating on the present...after all the future will become the present sooner than we like to think! And, the last one is probably the toughest...being kind in your mind! You will actually become a saint if you can truly achieve this and I wish you all the best, I've always wanted to know a saint!! ;)

    This card is just lovely! The first thing that popped into my mind was champagne - the bubbles alongside the word celebrate just screams champagne to me ;)

  12. I love your philosophy Ardyth. All three of these words would be absolutely perfect for me! I would add relax to my list! Your card is the touch of color.

  13. The pop of color just finishes off this card wonderfully! I don't think I have said Happy New Year! I look forward to your creations in 2014~

  14. Fantastic philosophy Ardyth--love your interpretation! love your card too!

  15. Awesome post dear friend!

    Celebrate really SHOULD be all these things and more...Celebrate the present not the past, celebrate the moments because we all know they pass too quickly and celebrate life because we can!

    I LOVE this bold font - huge WOW factor, especially with the wee sprinkles of colored confetti! The Stickles rock!

  16. Your cards are always succinct and to the point Ardyth! love the colorful dots illustrate your word perfectly!

  17. Love the card and color dots :)

  18. Very awesome! In your face but simple!

  19. oooh, being kind to those who are not kind to you ... that's a good one! Such a classic Ardyth card, this is. That bold font is delish. Thanks for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge, Ardyth!

  20. Ooo, love the bold font and the circles that gives a fabby party feeling, I like you philosophy too Ardyth, short and easy to understand, being kind to unkind is a real challenge.

    Warm hugs

  21. Ardyth, I love your bold card and fabulous word. The stickles are the perfect touch. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  22. Inspiring philosophy and your word choices are each ones that I need to bring more into my life, especially celebrate! I'm too much a worrier, which casts shadows, when I have so much that deserves my 'presence' and 'kindness' (self included - I'm my #1 critic and a hard one, at that!). Celebrate. Like it very much! And, in the spirit of celebration, I'll join in the applause and cheers for your fabulous card! Gorgeous and striking!

  23. A beautiful card! Thanks so much for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays !

  24. Gorgeous card! Thank you for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  25. CONGRATS on VIP at CAS-ual Fridays!!!!!!

  26. Happy to be back celebrating your well-deserved recognition from CFC, Ardy! Hugs, Darnell


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