
Tuesday 22 October 2013

CASology 67 - Country

This week's CASology Cue Card is Country

We're all friends here, right? So I can tell you without fear of judgement or reprisal that I'm DONE with pumpkins and fall leaves, right? For this year anyway (actually, I still have a couple to make!). Maybe it's because we celebrate Thanksgiving earlier than our American friends, but I'm ready to get onto the good stuff - bring on Christmas!

When I sat down to make my 'country' card, I remembered that Christmas colours are also the colours of Italy's flag. So I stamped my Technique Tuesday sentiment, and masked and sponged a couple of rectangles, trying to mimic the proportions of the flag.

And now it's your turn! It's fine if you're not done with pumpkins and turkeys and fall leaves,  if that's what country means to you, but I did want to show you that you can go in other directions, too!

Here are links to the blogs of the other DT members - go see what they've done to inspire you!


  1. Such a clever idea Ardyth and you pulled it off perfectly. I am with you I am done with autumn cards now (we don't even have thanksgiving to make them for) and ready to make all the sparkly xmas cards

  2. yet another example of your absolutely brilliant paper crafting skills! fabulous!

  3. The panels are perfectly balanced Ardyth!

  4. Your cards always make me think and this one is no exception! It took me a bit but I figured it out! Love your creative take on the cue card this week!

  5. Nope. I'm not quite done with autumn cards yet. Why? I'm afraid if I start on holiday and winter cards it will just invite winter to come that much sooner! LOL! If you notice, my card this week is rather spring-like! hehehe.
    LOVE this, Ardyth! I just thought you'd created a Christmas flag! :) Very clever!

  6. This is brilliant Ardyth! I am with you, it is tough that our Thanksgiving is so early. I am ready to start doing Christmas too!

  7. Very clever to represent Italy's flag and get in those Christmas colors. Super creation! Christmas cards are my favorite to make.

  8. You may not know this, Ardy, but every two weeks, updates its definitions. Sure enough, this morning when I looked up "clever," there was your picture!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. So fun to follow Darnell in the comments. Makes for a great chuckle:-) I "got it" at the get-go. Probably cuz I see so many soccer tournaments on TV! Fabby design.

  10. I hate to disagree, but I am still all about the fall cards...fall is just starting here on the east coast of the USA and I am SO not ready to think about Christmas yet! (We passed the aisle of Christmas decorations as we were shopping for Halloween costumes and I actually got mad!) However, I will not judge you...I admire you too much! And your card is amazing, there is that, too. :) Love your creative, CAS take onthe cue this always amaze me!

  11. Love the inspiration, a FUN flag if you ask me!!! (LOL) Inside joke...
    Very clever, very precisely COOL!

  12. Sometimes we can only do so many of one thing! I love seeing Christmas cards all year long! Yours is gorgeous Ardyth!

  13. Love your take on "country", so fun and very festive!

  14. Spookily, Ardyth (sorry about the allusion to Halloween!), my first thought when I saw 'Country' as the cue card was the French flag! My mind stopped there ... your's on the other hand, went in such a creative direction ... not just the fabulous flag idea but the sentiment just so perfectly nestled in between the colours! Amazing! Anita :)

  15. Well I'm obviously slow on the uptake, because I never even thought flags! Very clever interpretation of the cue word!

  16. I'm with little old hamster brain would never EVER come up with such a clever idea! You totally pulled this off fabulously! Awesome job snuggling the sentiment between the colors!!!

  17. Oh how darn creative you are! Great card!

  18. What a fabulous interpretation of Country. Italy is one of my favorite countries to visit, and I love your interpretation of their flag.

  19. I live on the East Coast in the States, almost all the leaves have fallen off our GIGANTIC tree in our backyard (Tulip tree the largest tree on the East coast of the US), and after raking 6 times and 20 some bags of leaves, I, too, am over Fall and leaves! When I saw your card, I IMMEDIATELY thought of Italy, although I also saw Christmas...too funny as I read your post, that's exactly what it was...uber creative, Ardyth!!


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