
Sunday 27 October 2013

2013 Pumpkin Carving

I was hoping for some crafting time this afternoon. I guess I should be more specific. I was hoping for some cardmaking time. But we figured it was probably the best time to carve the pumpkins for Halloween, so I thought I would show you why there's no card here today. 

This is the traditional annual picture (See this post for some past photos). Struan carved his own pumpkin for the first time - and added red acrylic paint (such a crafty (if slightly gory) boy! lol!). Kate's pumpkin was based on the 3-eyed aliens from Toy Story - it's kind of hard to tell from this photo, but I did my best.

But there were some casualties along the way - my favourite kitchen knife snapped, as did one of the little pumpkin carving knives that look (and are) so cheap, but work so well! There were no human injuries, though, so that's a relief! Here are the helpers at work.

Now for the indoor work - Kate wants to dress up the candy bars we'll be handing out as ghosts, so that will be the next project. We have the prototype ready and I will show you the results once we're finished.


  1. Cool carvings and glad there were no injuries from the knives snapping. I'll have to find some photos of some pumpkins one of my sons carved and post them. Nice way to spend your day with kiddos.

  2. Oh how fun! Wish we had kids around to enjoy things like this. Love the pictures--thanks for sharing, Ardyth!

  3. Wonderful photo's, Ardyth ... looks like you had a great time! Glad the only casualities were the knives ... oh, and the pumpkins, especially the one with the gory 'blood'! Anita :)

  4. Precious moments, far better than card making. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  5. Great pumpkins! That's what we did this afternoon too! I think making pumpkins like this is such fun!

  6. FUN family times! Looking forward to seeing the dressed-up candy bars. :)

  7. Awesome carvings!! Thanks for sharing :-)

  8. TOO BAD for the knife! Love seeing your darling children at work with the pumpkins! Struan's red splash creates such a lovely/gory effect! Perfect for Halloween! Love Kate's three-eyed pumpkin!

  9. Oh Ardyth, that is so great that you take a picture every year of your kids with their Jack-o-Lanterns! I wish I would have thought of that! I haven't even bought pumpkins this year, I better get my act together! But if we put them out too early, the squirrels completely destroy them...

  10. Totally fun, Ardy, thank you for sharing!! Weren't Kate's little toes cold in those sandals?! Hugs, Darnell

  11. I'm sooo sorry about your favorite knife! But do love how your pumpkins turned out. I could tell before I even read your post what Kate's pumpkin was...very cute! It's times like these that make such good memories. Great photos. Bev

  12. It looks like you ALL did a great job on your pumpkins! It's really hard work carving those darn things...Kudos to you!
    Sorry to hear that you lost a good kitchen knife...At least you got some great pics, though :-)

  13. I miss those days!!! Fabulous 'punkins'...

    Thanks for sharing the pics!

  14. So sweet and I love those adorable little aliens from Toy Story and I really can see one in your daughter's pumpkin, too cute!

  15. what huge fabulous pumpkins..we carved ours tonight but just a simple design with my son making green hair spaghetti! Love your colourful cards


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