
Friday 10 May 2013

LIM118 - Complementary Thanks!

I wasn't sure I was going to get time to play along with Less Is More's challenge to use Complementary Colours this week. But I found this photo on Pinterest and that made it easy.

My colours are actually closer to the inspiration than this photo is showing - they look very blue. I used Aquamarine and Island Indigo cardstock and Only Orange for the letters (Soft Stone for the card base, to incorporate the colour of the headboard). I coloured the bottom half of the letters with a Copic marker to represent the 'fold' in the circle art above the bed.


  1. Love the 2 tones of both colours. Perfect spacing of the letters too. Masterful!

  2. the die cut for the thanks is incredible Ardyth!

  3. Very clever idea to use two tones in two halves :)
    Love the card and ur inspiration :)

  4. This is AWESOME!! :) Love it!

  5. This is so graphic and striking. And, a brilliant take on the inspiration photo--I'm impressed you found your own photo.

  6. Oh my, Ardyth, taking this picture as inspiration and turning it into such a stunning and gorgeous card is awesome ... love those two tone colours! Anita :)

  7. I so love this. It is so beautiful and so CAS. How clever to use two-toned oranges for the Thanks. Wonderful, my friend. Bev

  8. VERY cool card! The split tones in the word looks great.

  9. Nice! Like the two shades of blue with the ORANGE letters. Rockin! :)

  10. I saw this pic on you P-board!
    Great use of it!

  11. Um... uber cool. Love your take on that photo.

  12. So smart to use marker below the line, another color of cardstock would have been crazy to line up. I really enjoy the puzzle/inset look.

  13. You are a true inspiration with how you use Pinterest... I love how you used the photo.. So clever and a great design :0)

  14. Yippee, Ardyth ... congratulations on being Showcased at LIM with this wonderfully cool two tone card! Anita :)


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