
Thursday 18 April 2013

Muse 13

For this week's Muse challenge. This week's inspiration is from Marion:

Now that I look at the two of them together, I wonder how I ended up where I did! But here was my thought process

1) 3 images
2) pink, purple and green
3) black sentiment
4) scattered bling

I created the 'frame' on a separate white layer - I just used the same 3 copic markers I used for the balloons, and  with the thicker end, created little squares (the 'inside' edges are ragged and ugly but they're hidden under the  top white panel).

I'm posting early because I have to go to court on Friday to find out if I'm going to be a member of a Jury for the next two months. I should know by the end of the day. Wish me luck!


  1. Ardyth this is fantastic! It doesn't matter how you ended up there you did and it rocks! Do you want to do jury duty or not do it?

  2. Sweet card. Love the colors, and you should time yourself, because these are the colors for the 10 minute craft dash! Hope your jury duty thing goes just the way you want it. And I think you've done the Muse justice! Hope to talk to you soon. Bev

  3. This is fantastic ~ love the brightly colored balloons and the frame is phenomenal. Hope you get the answer you are looking for tomorrow.

  4. Wishing you luck, for sure--I've only been called once & didn't get picked. Terrific card--so cheery & wonderful use of the Muse card elements.

  5. Oh, this is a fun card! I love your color combo and the little square colored border is such a nifty idea (might have to "borrow" that one! :)

    Great take on the inspiration card!

    Btw: are we wishing you luck that you DO get chosen? Or don't? :)

  6. Fabulous frame idea; never seenn that done before. Jenny

  7. Yep, I follow you! Love hearing how you ended up with your results. REALLY love your stripey/dashed frame!

  8. Yep, easy to see the thought process - love your take on the muse inspiration, and I love the cascading pops of colour and bling entwined in the balloon strings.

  9. Love the combo of colours...very cute.

  10. What a super take on the Muse ... love how you identified the elements to use ... just fabulous! Anita :)

  11. Super cute and I love the colors!

  12. Beautiful! I love where your creativity took you with this card - the thought process was completely logical to me!

    Fabulous image too!

    Good luck (or not) with the jury selection!

  13. What a fabulous card! I love the way you used your Copics for the background border!

  14. Wow!!! your cards are always so simple yet so catchy, I mean all ur cards have ur trademark of CAS in them, u r simply awesome :)
    And good luck for the Jury :)

  15. I love what you came up with, but then I always do. Good luck with jury duty. Mine was canceled all together and my age will prevent me from ever serving now. I kind of wanted to but the timing was not good.

  16. I think your take on the inspiration card is just fab! I can certainly see how you got to your card - love the touch of sparkle!

    Any news on the jury duty! Good luck!

  17. I love your take on this weeks challenge card...your colors are so bright and so very much fun!

  18. Nice card! Like the border you created to match your balloons. Like the "stream" of dots and circles, as well. :)

  19. Another stunner, Ardyth. You never fail to amaze me with your clean designs. Love this :)

  20. Love that fun balloon image with all the confetti-like stuff around it! Your striped border is awesome too. Congrats on getting dissed for jury duty! :D


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