
Wednesday 13 March 2013

OLW 131 - Green, White and Orange

Welcome to One Layer Wednesday. I know. No card. We had a last minute scheduling change and I'm in charge today, but wasn't able to get it together in time to have a sample card for you (it's March Break and Kate and I are actually visiting my parents today!)
Our challenge this week is a colour challenge - in honour of St. Patrick's Day, use the colours of the Irish flag - green, white  and orange. It does not have to be a St. Patrick's Day (or Irish) card - just a card that uses these colours.  I will post my card as soon as I can - probably sometime on Thursday morning.
OLW131 Rules

1. A one-layer card is defined as a single piece of card stock folded in half. No other layers allowed.

2. Create a card using green, white and orange as your main colours.

3. Upload your creation somewhere online, and link to it using the InLinkz button on the sidebar of MASKerade. Please make sure if you link to your blog that it's to the individual post, not your homepage.

4. The most important rule of all...HAVE FUN!!!!


  1. Hi Ardyth, hope you have a great visit with your family, :)

  2. Love your Irish flag Ardyth! I hope you are enjoying March Break, we are and are heading out to see my husbands Mom today. The week is going to fast.

  3. Thinking cap time! Anita :)


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