
Tuesday 5 March 2013

CASology 34 - Sometimes a Bunny is just a Bunny

This week's CASology Cue Card is Bunny!

Try as I might, I could not come up with an out of the box bunny idea, so I used our family's favourite bunny, Miffy Bunny.  I used a colouring page I found using Google, printed on Neenah Solar White and coloured with Copics. To keep the colourful card CAS, I used a narrow black frame and a white card base.

When Kate was about 18 months old, she had a Miffy Bunny top. So did another little girl in the day care. If that girl ever wore her Miffy shirt on a day that Kate wasn't wearing hers, Kate would have a fit, thinking this girl was wearing her top. We actually had to speak to the parents and arrange "Miffy days", where both girls would wear their tops and there would be no hysterics!

Here she is in her Miffy top at my in-laws' house in Scotland in 2004:

It's hard to believe that today is Kate's 10th birthday! Where has the time (and my baby!) gone?

Now it's your turn to show us your bunny cards - be quick like a bunny and don't forget to link up before the deadline on Sunday at 4:00 pm CST.

Here are the links to the blogs of the other DT members - go check out their bunny creations!


  1. I LOVE Miffy - takes me right back to the 70s :-D

  2. Very cute card and picture of Kate! Both so precious!
    Happy Birthday to Kate!

  3. A darling bunny and an even more darling daughter! :) Happy Birthday to Kate today! Amazing how quickly our babies grow up!!!

  4. OMG! Kate is such a sweetie pie! Love her sports car. You do know that she is going to want a real one soon!

    The free coloring pages really are a great place to find some cool images that are easy to resize and don't have watermarks.

    Love the vibrant colors that you used on your card. Awesome job with the Copics Ardyth! Don't you just love his little "X" nose!

  5. Happy Birthday Kate! Do suppose she still has that shirt? You are so clever to think of using a colouring page for the cue card this week!

  6. The only out of the box bunny I can think of is... a playboy bunny *Insert naughty face...
    Love Miffy though!!!

  7. i LOVE this card - i LOVE miffy... we have all of her books and a wide range of stuffed animals. i absolutely love the shirt and kudos to you for arranging miffy days! :)

    great card!

  8. Beautiful! I love Miffy! I still have my first Miffy book. It's about 40 years old now... maybe a little older. It is coloured in (by a 5 year old me) with added notes and pictures. :-) I read that book to my five year old these days.

    Happy Birthday, Kate! My eldest daughter is 10, too. :-)

  9. Always a big fan of Miffy! Jo x

  10. This card is so cute! And I like a picture of your daughter too!

  11. Happy birthday Kate! The time does go far too fast. Your card is so delightful Ardyth and the bright bold colours rock! I hope you are feeling like yourself again.

  12. what a cute card and love your Miffy story

  13. Miffy is the best! Perfect card. Now that your daughter is 10, I'm sure she totally appreciates you telling that story, too. Happy birthday to her!

  14. Aw, happy birthday to Kate! I love her sweatshirt and the wonderful inspiration it provided for your card. Totally adorable!

  15. so cute, ardyth... and yes... sometimes you just have to go with the obvious!!

  16. Love Miffy in those fabulous colours, Ardyth, what an inspired idea! Happy Birthday to Kate ... wasn't she a little sweetie? Anita :)

  17. Miffy is pretty darn cute, but your baby Kate is adorable!! Sure miss my babies. Your Miffy card is amazing. Geri is right, the coloring is fab. Bright, fun, happy--everything that this should be. Bev

  18. LOL! Love the Miffy top story! That's totally the kind of fit that I would have thrown. :)

    Love subtle highlighting on the bunny and the rich colours!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Happy double digit bday to Kate! My son turned 10 yesterday! Hard on the moms right?very cute card today.

  21. Adorable card and what a little doll!

  22. LITS! You turn around and they're 10 years old!! She is adorable and she wants out, LOL! You've made a sweet card in memory of her Miffy days!

  23. Very cute n colorful Miffy Bunny card! Love it! Kate is a darling toddler! Time flies while they're having fun! :)

  24. ADORABLE!! Love your coloring! :) And oh, do I ever ask myself the same question...Where have my 'babies' gone! lol My youngest just turned 4 and to know my oldest will be 8!! Eek! ;) Thanks for sharing! :)

  25. What a cute story. I never heard of Miffy Bunny. Must be I'm too old.

  26. So cute! That is your card as well as your baby ;) I am trying to think of something a little off the wall for this challenge, mostly because I don't have anything remotely bunny in any of my stash - I will think of something!! ;) thank you for the I inspiration! ;)

  27. Adorable!!!!! Reminds me of a cartoon called Max and Ruby that my grandkids watch!!!!

  28. Aw, it's Miffy. Wow, that brings back some sweet memories of my boys being babies. Your images simply pops off of your card base! Love it!

  29. Your Miffy card is bright and fun. Loved reading to story of your daughter. She looks so cute in her top. x

  30. What a darling bunny and a wonderful memory to go with this picture! Our babies grow up all too fast! And our grandbabies grow even faster!

  31. Whaat? Is that even allowed? Hahaha, good thing you do "straight-forward" just as well as you do "out-of-the-box!" LOVE that you don't shade with your Copics. So very CAS.

  32. Yikes! I forgot to comment on the OTHER adorable bunny in your post. What a cutie she was in that little car! I will be a mess when my baby turns ten.

  33. Hope she had a happy birthday ~ Love your take on the cue word (even if it wasn't out of the box). Super sweet picture of Kate too.


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