
Sunday 10 March 2013

Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Kate's birthday party. I took 11 girls to see "OZ The Great and Powerful" (quite good!) and then we all came back to our place for pizza and cake.

I found this cake on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.  You can see that my cake decorating skills will not earn me a job as The Next Great Baker with Buddy Valastro, but the girls were surprised by the bright colours and really enjoyed it!


  1. Yummy! I want so see that movie too..

  2. looks a lovely girl, give here a hugh from me

    Kisses malika

  3. Congrats to Kate!!
    An a very creative cake I must add!

  4. wow...happy birthday to a great girl ;)) and a great applause to the mom who create such a lovely cake!!

    Hugs Beate

  5. Happy, happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! I'm sure they loved the cake!

  6. Polka dotted cake? You're a good mom.

  7. Ardyth Happy Happy birthday to Kate! She looks so happy and why wouldn't she be with that fantastic polka dotted cake! Beautiful girl Ardyth.

  8. What a fun cake ~ sounds like a great party!

  9. Looks totally Y-U-M-M-Y!

  10. What a fun cake - such a surprise. I'll go have a look - my son's birthday is in 10 days.

  11. A really lovely way to spend a birthday. We saw Oz yesterday and really liked it! I think the cake looks really delicious!

  12. Awesome cake!

    We went to see "OZ" this weekend and we enjoyed it too!!!

  13. Happy B.D. Kate! Sounds like the girls had a blast. Glad to know the movie is good. The cake looks yumo. I can't figure out how you got those giant, multi-colored polka dots in there! :)

  14. Oh my, Ardyth, polka dot cake ... wow ... looks delish! Belated Happy Birthday to Kate, sounds as though you had a fab time! Anita :)

  15. Happy belated to Kate! That cake is awesome! Off to pin it!

  16. Oh you did post a photo ... yay!! LOVE it!! I'm sure the girls flipped over it. What a good mama you are : )


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