
Thursday 17 January 2013

Speaking of wedding photos.....

Yesterday was SO. MUCH. FUN! (You can still play along if you want - no scanner required, just take a digital photo of your wedding album, like I did! The link will be open until the end of the month)

As I was writing on someone's blog about how fun it is to see wedding photos (any wedding photos) because everyone's always happy in them, I was reminded of this photo taken at my sister's wedding in 2008 This is the bride (the equine surgeon) and groom and all the nieces and nephews. As you can see, one of my nephews was really NOT happy, but the result was a hilarious picture!

Here's Struan and Kate on the day, in a rare moment of sibling closeness - you have to cherish these moments (and capture them for proof! lol!)

This week's CTS post will be live at 10:00 - see you then!


  1. Such nice pictures! Glad you captured your kids in one of the "moments!" They'll be happy when they get older that you preserved that memory for them. :)

  2. These are pix to cherish .... and bring out at inappropriate moments!!!!

    Happy Thursday


  3. What great photos. Wonderful to have these memories

  4. Cracks me up. I took a picture of a family of 36 people over Thanksgiving. One little guy was hysterical. I told them not to worry about it...everyone has been there before!!

  5. Now these are the kind of wedding pictures that capture the true essence of happiness!

  6. Thank you for sharing the hilarious photo from your sister's wedding! I so love those spontaneous family wedding moments. THOSE are the ones that should be framed and hung on hall walls!

    Such a precious picture of Struan and Kate! Any chance of a comparable 2013 photo?!

  7. Love this photo - that's what weddings are all about - family! And everyone (almost) is having such fun!

  8. How fun to "meet" the horse surgeon! And man is that photo a riot, you couldn't have planned it better!

  9. Beautiful family ... happy, fun wedding photo and your two youngsters are a delight! Love Struan's rainbow tie! Anita :)


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