
Wednesday 30 January 2013

OLW125 - Your Perfect Day!

Yay! It's my turn to host One Layer Wednesday. This week's challenge was inspired ages ago, by a card I
saw somewhere - it may have been a CASology entry (if it's yours, let me know so I can give you proper credit). The card had a cat on it, with a bowl of water and a fish (I think). I do remember clearly thinking -
that cat is going to have a PURRfect day! And the idea for this challenge was born.

And it seemed like a good idea at the time! lol! When I sat down to make my card, I thought about the perfect days in my life - graduating from high school and university were pretty good. Finding out I had passed my CA exams was REALLY good! Our wedding was pretty perfect. The births of my children were perfect (in retrospect, of course - you forget all the messy stuff!). Visiting my sister in Wisconsin is pretty perfect. Every year. A cold winter's day creating in my craft room is wonderful, too! You see the problem.

Rather than representing one perfect day in my life, I chose to incorporate the elements that would make my day perfect. But there are a lot (more even than on this card), so how to do that?

I started with a subtle clock to represent the day (did you notice there are 12 circles?). I made the clock in fun, rainbow colours (you know I love rainbows!) and then hunted through my stamps. All of them. Several times. Searching for the right words, the right size. Realizing that some are verbs and some are nouns (that still bugs me for some reason, although now that I look at it I realize that most of the verbs can also be nouns, so except for laugh (which I cut down from laughter because it was just too long) it is all nouns!). Realizing that I don't have a stamp that says "STAMP" or "CREATE" (one of those should definitely been on  there!). I'm happy to say that my recycling bin was not full for once - I got this done the first time round. However, every single stamp set I own was open on my desk and it took AGES to figure out where they all went back to! Please don't ask me where they all come from. There's some Paper Smooches, Stampabilities, The Stamps of Life, My Favorite Things, and some I don't know.

Get on with it, I hear you thinking! OK, Here it is:

OLW125 Rules

1. Create a one-layer card.  That is defined as a single layer of card stock folded in half. No other layers allowed!

2. Make a card that depicts your perfect day in some way. You can choose one theme or many. Remember to keep embellishments to a minimum and NO ADDITIONAL LAYERS of card stock.
3. Post your card online and link it to the InLinkz button to the right.  If you link to your blog, please link to the specific post, not your blog’s main page.
4. HAVE FUN! I can't wait to see what makes your day perfect!


  1. What a great idea! This reminds me of the top 100 scrapbook page layouts. What a treasure hunt you must have had for those sentiments! And the whole noun/verb consistency always bothers me in lists or bullet points. Love how your card turned out!

  2. Fabulous card & idea Ardyth. I know what makes my perfect day. Just not sure i have a stamp to represent it

  3. Absolute genius!! My new favourite of yours! And you really have captured a perfect day. :)

  4. What an interesting design concept Ardyth! a great way to show what makes you happy!

  5. The rainbow is so you - and I love the components of your perfect day!

  6. You so rock one layer cards Ardyth. I just love this.

  7. What a perfect representation of the perfect day - a bit of everything!

  8. Another clever card, Ardyth! I'm going to have to think about this one!

  9. What a fun card, Ardy! I love your take on the CASology card, too. So many challenges now, so little time!

    (I'm surprised you aren't a teacher over at the CAS2 series!)

  10. This is very interesting. I am going to have to think on this one. Really anytime I get to create is the perfect day LOL!

  11. Well, that looks like a pretty perfect day (especially the chocolate!) ... all wrapped up in a rainbow! Looking forward to winding the brain up for this one! Anita :)

  12. Love the concept of the clockface with all the things you love in it! Thanks for the challenge, it was fun to play along again after some time off :-)


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