
Sunday 9 December 2012

LIM97, OLW117 - Snow in Rows

During the Christmas season, I take a few turns standing at The Salvation Army Christmas Kettles at our local mall. It is a wonderful opportunity to help out a charity very close to my heart (The Salvation Army is my church, as well as the second largest provider of social services in Canada, after the various levels of Government).

It is also a wonderful opportunity to people watch! I admit it - I love looking at what they're wearing, what they're carrying, how they've done their hair. Hey, we can't be serious and grown up all the time! lol! And I do try to be kind in my thoughts!

Long way of saying that this card was inspired by a bag someone was carrying last Wednesday.

I added Stickles to the centres of the grey snowflakes for sparkle (stickles make other colours of Stampin' Up ink change colour) and I will link this up to this week's  Less is More challenge, "In a Row" (I hope it's ok that I have more than one row!) and also this week's One Layer Wednesday challenge - Snow, which is being hosted by Susan.

For my row placement, I actually drew a graph on the front of my card, lightly in pencil, and erased it afterwards.  Even with clear stamps, it's not always easy to get the positioning perfect!


  1. These snowflakes are perfectly stamped! You reign supreme Stampin' Queen!

    Love the pops of color and of course, the stickles :)

    Have a happy Sunday!

  2. Love this. Just found your blog this week and spent last night going back to the beginning! What an inspiration!

  3. I love the pops of color next to the gray. So pretty.

  4. Love these snowflakes, Ardyth!

  5. Ardyth, this is just gorgeous!
    Love it.
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  6. This is terrific Ardyth~I love the grey snowflakes. It's so cool that you were inspired by a bag (don't you love that we can make our own stuff without having to buy it?).

  7. The Salvation Army is my favorite charity here in the U.S. Can't walk by one of those kettles without dropping in a donation. Not to mention they are the ones I call when I have goods to donate. When I moved across the country they got everything worth donating that I couldn't take and that was A LOT of stuff! LOL!! And people watching is tons of fun!!!! And last but not least, your card is wonderful as always!!!

  8. This is such a cool card... love the snowflakes.
    I liked reading your post about looking at people and getting inspiration for your cards... I am very much like that too. Funny how blogging makes us connect.

    Happy crafting,

  9. Super fun and funky! Love the pops of colour!

  10. This is just so pretty. I think that the grey is such a soft neutral, and really lets the other colors shine.

  11. lovely card; you can purchase a stamp-a majig for positioning, either from your local craft store or SU

  12. love love love ardyth!! so elegant

    Thanks for joining us

    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  13. Beautiful, Ardyth! Lovely placement and touches of colour. Sue x

  14. I need to get out and people watch more! Love the random pops of colour on this card, but knowing you, there's probably a pattern to it!

  15. Wow! This is gorgeous. The grey snowflakes are beautifully set off by the brightly colored ones! Perfectly aligned too. Love this. Bev

  16. So pretty. I am such a fan of your work.

  17. A truly amazing card. I love your color choices!

  18. Perfect positioning, fantastic splashes of colour among the grey, which in turn are beautifully lifted to 'important' by the stickles ... fabulous! Anita :)

  19. What a gorgeous card, stunningly simple

  20. Hi Ardyth,
    Fab CAS card. Love the design and your stamping is perfect. The little touch of sparkle finishes it off beautifully. xx

  21. Awesome as always Ardyth. Love the use of grey and the occassional pops of color.


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