
Monday 14 May 2012

New from Old

Sometimes it's fun to recycle ideas or just vary them a little, like I did yesterday with the "Art Deco" card.

Today's cards are both remakes from cards I made last week. Remember them?

Remade from this post.

Remade from a card from this post.

Sometimes the new cards are better, sometimes they're just different (for the record I think I like these two better than the originals - sometimes an idea takes a little while to evolve). But it reminds me that I really do not need to keep buying new things to play with - I can create very different cards with the same tools over and over. (Well, I CAN, but that doesn't mean I have to does it? LOL!)


  1. That's the thing about your cards.....the new is as good as the old because both are so original and so perfect for any gender and any age.

    I've figured out your formula:

    Patience + Precision = Perfection

    Not sure I can do it but will have fun trying to turn out a few cards like yours.


  2. Oh my you have any ideas left Ardyth. You just seem to crank out the most awesome cards. I love these. Oh my....I love these.

  3. I love this happy birthday card, all the different coloured texts are great. I often take old cards and do a makeover on them (lol) and they always work out better than the original (just as well really!).

  4. I can see you put a lot of thought into your both of these. The top one is very cool with with a wonderful design. I need to quit buying. :-)

  5. LOVE both of these Ardyth, and of course you need to keep buying new stuff to play with - we all have to support the industry we love LOL!!!


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