
Thursday 23 February 2012

Liebster Award

Imagine my surprise when I went to Deborah's Gems the other morning to find myself nominated for an award!

MASKerade is a Liebster Blog!

What does this mean, you ask? I Googled it, but only found other Liebster Blogs, no history of the award or how it started or anything. It seems like a big pyramid of blog-discovery and kindness to me!

Here's how it works:

1) The award is given to Bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, to help them gain new followers
2) Once you've been nominated, you pass on the Award to five other Blogs.

Steps involved (how I love a checklist - it feels so good when you can put a tick mark beside something!)

1) Link back to the person who gave you the award and thank them (thank you Deborah!)
2) Post the award on your blog
3) Pass the award to 5 bloggers who inspire you
4) Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know.

I'm passing the Liebster Blog Award on to the following blogs:

Jackie at RockwellDesigns
Susie at  Sharing What I Love
Donelda at Wiggy's World
Janet at SwanLady Impressions

and finally, Susan at Questioning My Intelligence.  I owe Susan a special thank you for two reasons.

Susan's Simplicity blog (which I've been watching pretty much since it started (I used to 'follow' her on Splitcoaststampers every Monday morning!) was my source for finding the other 4 blogs I nominated - I love looking through all the entries for One Layer Wednesday and finding new blogs that inspire me!

Susan's Questioning My Intelligence blog is beautifully written and rings true for me with pretty much every entry. How she manages her family, 3 blogs and moving house recently is completely beyond me, but I'm glad she does!

So go visit these 5 blogs and be inspired! And come back tomorrow for my card for this week's diabolical (in Susan's own words!) One Layer Wednesday challenge.


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me. I enjoy your CAS style and wish you many followers too!

  2. WOW - thanks sooooo much for nominating me! SO kind of you! and I agree with you Susan R. is the best!!


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