
Wednesday 21 September 2016

SPDMIX16 - Filled with Love

We've got a really fun inspiration at this week's SugarPea Designs Mix It Up challenge:

This week I chose to focus only on the photograph. I used stamps from Special Delivery (and Copics, Wink of Stella and Glossy Accents) in the colours of the photo to create a card filled with love!

I hope you'll join us this week - remember that we use the same link-up for all the challenges in each month, so each time you play, your chance of winning the $50 gift certificate increases! We'd love to see how you're inspired by this week's sketch and photo!


  1. Your card has a lovely feeling of movement. The hearts are so pretty.

  2. New #1 Fav Ardyth card! The 'movement' is incredible! Sweet shades of reds and pinks. The 'love' font is a perfect match for the heart 'swooshes'.

  3. Beautiful card, I just love your placement of the sentiment!

  4. Love the shimmer on the hearts. Gorgeous movement on your card.

  5. This is so bright and cheerful, and a really fun take on the challenge!

  6. Now that is just fun Ardyth. Love how you positioned the dotted heart paths. They look like waves.

  7. Absolutely fabulous interpretation of the challenge photo Ardyth.

  8. What a fantastic sense of drift, Ardyth ... those shimmery, shiny hearts are just gorgeous! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)


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